When a diamond is being formed, microscopic inclusions and blemishes occur – those are the birthmarks of the stone, giving its uniqueness and beauty – The Clarity grade, in this case, evaluate them, measuring its level of physical integrity, its “cleanliness”: internally and externally. Inclusions and blemishes should not distract from the brilliance or fire of a Diamond, but it should be eye clean.
Internal - can affect the degree of erosion and it is difficult to fix, as it involves a lot of weight loss, so it must be checked carefully. Usually have luster and thickness, easy to see at 10x magnifying glass.
External - easier to solve and does not involve loss of much weight, but are commonly lackluster or colorless, being difficult to find.
FL (Flawless): a completely clean stone, no external or internal birthmarks. Simply perfect, extremely rare.
IF (Internally Flawless): has no internal inclusions, but can have very minor external ones.
VVS1 (Very, Very Slightly Included 1): with very small winches points.
VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included 2): with very small winches points.
VS1 (Very Slightly Included 1): with small internal blemishes.
VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2): with small internal blemishes.
SI1 (Slightly Included 1): with moderate internal characteristics, each grade on its own.
SI2 (Slightly Included 2): with moderate internal characteristics, each grade on its own.
I1 (Inclusions 1): those have very large birthmarks, even visible to the naked eye.
I2 (Inclusions 2): those have very large birthmarks, even visible to the naked eye.
